Bassem Chit Fellowship for the Study of Activism – Lebanon
The Bassem Chit fellowship for the study of activism is a one-year post doctoral fellowship based in Beirut, Lebanon. The fellowship is a joint initiative of Lebanon Support, the Arab Council for the Social Sciences, the Orient-Institut Beirut, and Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Beirut Office. The fellowship aims to give early career scholars (0-3 years out of the Phd) in the social sciences the opportunity to conduct research on activism in the Arab world. The Bassem Chit fellowship accepts proposals in Arabic, English, or French.
Disciplinary and Thematic Focus:
The Bassem Chit Fellowship program aims at targeting scholars in the social sciences, particularly in the fields of political science, economics, sociology, anthropology, education, demography, media and cultural studies, among others. We also encourage applications from the humanities, including applications covering literature, cultural studies, history, philosophy and arts.
During the fellowship, the scholar will be requested to:
- Assist in Lebanon Support’s mapping of collective actions and produce quarterly digests
- Produce an in-depth research paper on their research topic to be published on Lebanon Support’s Civil Society Knowledge Centre
- Organise a round table at the OIB around their research
- Participate and present a paper at the ACSS Fourth Conference that will be held on April 12-14 2019
- Organise a round table event on issues pertaining to collective action at Lebanon Support.
The fellowship duration is 12 months, and the earliest starting date is September 2018.
Eligibility criteria:
- Citizens or nationals of an Arab country: An Arab country is defined by its membership in the League of Arab States. The term “national” refers to full-time and long-term residents of an Arab State, including those who do not have citizenship, as in the case of stateless refugees. Arab scholars residing outside the region at the time of application would be eligible only if they hold an Arab citizenship and are not in a tenure-track position and/or do not have access to research resources from their institution and/or country of residence. Accepted fellows are required to spend their 12 months fellowship period in Beirut at Lebanon Support’s offices.
- Junior scholars (0-3 years out of the Phd) who have a doctoral degree in a social science or humanities discipline (obtained from within or outside the Arab region). Applicants who did not obtain their PhDs at the time of application will be ineligible.
- Have high quality academic credentials including proficiency in qualitative and/or quantitative research methods. Applicants are required to submit a proposal (10-15 pages) building on their doctoral dissertation. Proposals that are not based on or not relevant to the applicant’s PhD dissertation will be disqualified. Proposals should highlight the applicant’s academic credentials and outline a research problem. Applicants should also provide a publications plan in addition to a 3-year career plan.
- Have versatility to take on organisational roles when required, and the ability to work independently as well as with teams as outlined.
- June 20, 2018: Application forms are available online.
July 15, 2018: Deadline for submissions.
- Last week of July 2018: Decisions are communicated to applicants.
- August 2018: Accepted applicants sign their contracts.
- September 2018: Fellowship starts.
- April 2019: Present at the ACSS Fourth Biennial Conference in Beirut-Lebanon.
For more information, please visit the offer’s page (link above).
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