The research on Sudan highlighted at two recent international scientific conferences in Paris
The research about Sudan was highlighted at two scientific conferences that were held recently in Paris: the 6th European Conference on African Studies (ECAS 2015) and the 1st Conference of the group of scientific interest (GIS) on the Middle-East and on Muslim Worlds.
Untitled “Collective mobilizations in Africa: Contestation, Resistance, Revolt”, the 6th European Conference on African Studies (ECAS 2015) was held in Paris from July 8th to 10th. Among the objectives of this international conference, ECAS 2015 aimed to promote the emergence of new concepts and issues of research on Africa in order to better identify and understand the current changes in the African continent, as well as the historical roots of those changes.
We are pleased to see that several Phd candidates/researchers associated with CEDEJ-Khartoum has participated to this conference. Anne-Laure Mahé, from the University of Montreal, has introduced her paper untitled “Thriving on chaos: violent conflict as a factor of authoritarian resiliency in Sudan”. Philippe Gout, a Phd student in International Law with University Paris 2 Panthéon Assas, has presented his paper “The halt of ICC’s war crimes investigations in Darfur: the limits of Prosecutor’s definition of the crime of genocide and the full-scale resistance to ICC’s investigations”. Dr. Raphaëlle Guibert, researcher in political sciences, has presented her research about gold mining – “Le gouvernement de l’or au Soudan: remodelage des pratiques et contrôle du secteur”. And Dr. Elena Vezzadini, an associate researcher with CEDEJ-Khartoum and with the University of Bergen, has also contributed to this conference.
Furthermore, several researchers specialized in Sudan were present at the conference: Dr. Siri Lamoureux, Dr. Griet Steel, Dr. Clémence Pinaud and Dr. Lotjes de Vries.
Another international scientific conference can be noted: from July 7th to 9th, the 1st Conference of the group of scientific interest (GIS) on the Middle-East and on Muslim Worlds was held in Paris. This international conference aimed to create an overview of the current state of the French research, with the contribution of numerous foreign guests. Its objective was to encourage the collaboration between researchers, as well as the improvement of the visibility of the scientific studies on the Middle-East and on Muslim Worlds.
In this conference as well, we are pleased to see that research on Sudan was highlighted: Dr Raphaëlle Guibert has introduced her work about the Sudanese Islamic experience – “Bourgeois islamiste vs entrepreneur nomade ? Oppositions et convergences des modèles de la réussite dans l’expérience islamique soudanaise” ; as for Dr Iris Seri-Hersch, she has presented her research about the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan – « Arabisation, Islamisation et (dé)colonisation dans le Soudan anglo-égyptien (1946-1964)».
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cedejsudan (26 juillet 2015). The research on Sudan highlighted at two recent international scientific conferences in Paris. Researching Sudan - A perspective on contemporary Sudans. Consulté le 6 février 2025 à l’adresse