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ISLAM – Discussion with Dr JEAN-PIERRE FILIU in CEDEJ-Khartoum

CEDEJ Khartoum was very pleased to have Dr Jean-Pierre Filiu’s visit on December 17th for a meeting about Islam with several researchers who contributed to the CEDEJ Research programme “Islam and Society in Sudan”.

Since 2006, Dr Jean-Pierre Filiu is Professor of Contemporary History of the Middle East at Sciences Po University. There, he is also a member of the Department of History and teaches in the Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA).

He graduated from Sciences Po University in 1981 and from the National Institute of Oriental Languages ​​and Civilizations (INALCO) (diploma in Chinese in 1983 and in written Arabic in 1985).

He obtained his PhD at Sciences Po University in History (1985) as well as the authorization to supervise research (2008). He was also a visiting professor at the American universities of Columbia and Georgetown.

Dr Jean-Pierre Filiu joined the CERI, the Center of International Research in Sciences Po University in 2009.

From 1988 to 2006, Dr Jean-Pierre Filiu was Adviser for Foreign Affairs in the embassies of France in Syria, Tunisia and Jordan. He this capacity, he also worked in the offices of the Minister of the Interior (1990-1991), the Minister of Defence (1991-1993) and the Prime Minister (2000-2002).

The President François Hollande appointed Dr Jean-Pierre Filiu in 2012 as Member of the Committee for the drafting of the White Paper on Defense and National Security.

You can read two of his recent articles (in French) dealing with Sudan on his blog:

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cedejsudan (7 janvier 2016). ISLAM – Discussion with Dr JEAN-PIERRE FILIU in CEDEJ-Khartoum. Researching Sudan - A perspective on contemporary Sudans. Consulté le 22 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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