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The team

The permanent team of the CEDEJ-Khartoum is:

– Alice Franck, coordinator of the branch

– Alice Koumurian, project officer

Moreover, several researchers are attached to the center as associate researchers.

– Einas Ahmed, political scientist, Associate researcher

– Franck Derrien, geographer, Associate researcher

-Katarzyna Grabska, Anthropologist, Associate researcher

– Raphaelle Chevrillon Guibert, political scientist, Associate Researcher

-Agnès de Geoffroy, political scientist, Associate researcher

-Elena Vezzadini, historian, Associate researcher

Apart from them, and according to programs carried on, the center hires ad hoc researchers, both Sudanese and international.

Moreover, the CEDEJ-Khartoum is deeply rooted in the Sudanese academic environment. It maintains particularly strong links with the University of Khartoum.


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cedejsudan (9 décembre 2013). The team. Researching Sudan - A perspective on contemporary Sudans. Consulté le 6 février 2025 à l’adresse

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