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Revue Egypte/Monde Arabe (EMA) n°14//2016 – Le Soudan après l’indépendance du Soudan du Sud, sous la direction d’Alice Franck & Elena Vezzadini

CEDEJ Khartoum is pleased to announce the publication of the latest issue of Egypte/Monde Arabe (EMA) Journal on Sudan (n°14//2016):

“Sudan after the independence of South Sudan”, directed by Alice Franck and Elena Vezzadini.

Most researchers and students who contributed to this issue are affiliated to CEDEJ Khartoum.

South Sudan officially gained independence on the 9th July 2011. This was the outcome of the peace agreement signed in January 2005 and in accordance with the national referendum of January 2011. This historic event, which should have put an end on the historical conflict between the Northern and Southern regions and communities, constituted a real challenge in term of adaptation, resilience and innovation for the whole of the society. In this unprecedented context of the birth of a new national territory, and the remodelling of existing spatial and political configurations, South Sudan has logically been at the centre of attention – whether this be from political actors, researchers or humanitarian donors. However, the North has been profoundly affected by this rupture as well. The intention of this issue is to shed light on some of these transformations.




OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
cedejsudan (8 novembre 2016). Revue Egypte/Monde Arabe (EMA) n°14//2016 – Le Soudan après l’indépendance du Soudan du Sud, sous la direction d’Alice Franck & Elena Vezzadini. Researching Sudan - A perspective on contemporary Sudans. Consulté le 6 février 2025 à l’adresse

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