Phd Seminars At CEDEJ
These last months different Phd seminars were held at the Cedej center for Phd students supported by the Cedej. Each seminar gathered sudanese, french, foreigners researchers and Phd students interested or specialized on the topic of the seminar.
- Mai Azzam has presented her research the 6th of March on the youth religious identities in the Sufi orders. For more information about Mai Azzam and her research: . Mai Azzam has a Cedej scholarships for her Phd.
- Philippe Gout has introduced his research the 4th of May related to “the Protection of minorities in the Peace-building Process in Sudan”. Mr Gout is at the end of his fieldwork scholarship granted by the Cedej. For more information about Philippe Gout research see our website : .
- Azza Mustafa Ahmed has introduced her research the 15th of May about the analysis of political parties discourse with the case of the Umma Party. Azza Mustafa Ahmed is a Phd student in political science at the University of Khartoum.
- Claire Gillette a french student in geography at Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne, has introduced the 25th of June her research about sanitation in Khartoum. In the following of the WAMAKHAIR research program on the water sector, her work explores the various sanitation and sewage systems that coexist in the city and focuses on a study case in Deim and Amarat.
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cedejsudan (15 mai 2014). Phd Seminars At CEDEJ. Researching Sudan - A perspective on contemporary Sudans. Consulté le 6 février 2025 à l’adresse