Call for Application – Sir William Luce Fellowship 2020
The Sir William Luce Fellowship is awarded annually to a scholar at post-doctoral level, diplomat, politician, or business executive, working on those parts of the Middle East to which Sir William Luce devoted his working life (Iran, the Gulf states, South Arabia and Sudan), and is hosted by Durham University during the Easter term of each academic year.
The Fund is looking for research proposals that examine historic aspects of Iran, the Gulf States, South Arabia and Sudan that throw light on contemporary events. The Fund notes that the University holds a Sudan Archive containing records relating to both Sudan and South Sudan. The Committee administering the Sir William Luce Memorial Fund reserves the right not to make an appointment to a Fellowship.
The Fellowship, tenable jointly in the Institute for Middle Eastern & Islamic Studies and Trevelyan College, entitles the holder to full access to departmental and other University facilities such as Computing and Information Services and the University Library. The Fellowship also carries a grant, accommodation and all meals for the duration of the Fellowship. Fellows reside at Trevelyan College and are warmly encouraged to take a full part in the life of the Senior Common Room during their residence.
The Fellow is expected to deliver a lecture on the subject of his or her research which will be designated ‘The Sir William Luce Lecture’, and should be cast in such a way as to form the basis of a paper to be published in a special edition of the Durham Middle East Papers series.
Applicants for the 2020 Fellowship (27 April-26 June 2020) should send a CV (of no more than 2 pages), a two to three-page outline of their proposed research and contact details for two referees, preferably by e-mail, by Friday 11 October 2019 to:
The Honorary Secretary
Sir William Luce Memorial Fund
Durham University Library
Palace Green
United Kingdom
More information here.
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cedejsudan (28 août 2019). Call for Application – Sir William Luce Fellowship 2020. Researching Sudan - A perspective on contemporary Sudans. Consulté le 6 février 2025 à l’adresse