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Call for Application: doctoral scholarship CEDEJ Khartoum / University of Khartoum

Application for doctoral scholarship in social sciences

Closing dates for applications: 15 December

The CEDEJ and the University Of Khartoum invites application for one year scholarships for PhD candidates in social sciences and humanities.


–          The candidate must be registered as a PhD candidate at the University of Khartoum.

–          The candidate must be in his/her first or second year of his PhD.

–          The PhD registration fees at the University of Khartoum will be charged to the applicant.

–          The scholarship is open to candidates in social sciences and humanities: sociology, geography, political science, anthropology, economy, law.

–          The candidate’s research topic must be related to one of the research themes suggested by the CEDEJ.

–          The candidates must have no other regular and substantial sources of funding.

–          The candidates must be fluent in English or French. The research could be conducted in Arabic.


This particular scholarship is a partnership between the University of Khartoum and the Center of studies and documentation in economy, law and social sciences (CEDEJ). The scholarship is a 12 month grant that allows students to do their research under the best possible conditions. The gross monthly income is 2000 SDG for research activities only. The successful candidate will have to present the progress of his research twice a year in PhD seminars organize at the CEDEJ center or at the University of Khartoum. The selected candidate will join the research team of the CEDEJ and will take part in the collective activities of the Centre.

Particular topics and themes suggested by the CEDEJ:

–          Reconfigurations of the North Sudan after the separation of the South.

–          Urban and Social processes of transformation.

–          Peripheral areas of the greater Khartoum conurbation.

–          Social mobilizations

–          Relations between Sudan and its neighbors (e.g. Central Africa) (International Relations, migrations, trade, borders, conflicts…)

Application and Selection

Application must be submitted in English before the 15 of November and must be constituted by the following pieces:

–          A  detailed curriculum vitae (including if applicable a list of works and publications)

–    A presentation of the applicant’s research project (5 pages maximum) including the issues at stake in the research, a methodology, a bibliography, and the applicant’s motivations.

–          A recommendation letter from the supervisor indicating the state of the research.

Applications must be sent electronically to

Selection procedure:

A pre-selection of applicants will be set by CEDEJ

Pre-selected applicants will be interviewed by the selection committee

The final decision will be taken by the selection committee according to majority rule.

Composition of the selection committee:

–          Dr Musa Adam Abdul Jalil, Associate professor of Social Anthropology, Deputy Dean of academic affairs, University of Khartoum

–          Dr Alice Franck, coordinator of the CEDEJ, University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne

–          Dr Ibtissam Sati, Deputy Dean faculty of Economics , University of Khartoum

–          Dr El Rasheed Hassan, Dean Faculty of law, University of Khartoum

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cedejsudan (19 octobre 2014). Call for Application: doctoral scholarship CEDEJ Khartoum / University of Khartoum. Researching Sudan - A perspective on contemporary Sudans. Consulté le 6 février 2025 à l’adresse

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