Freedom Peace and Justice. A Glossary of the Third Sudanese Revolution (Barbara Casciarri & Stefano Manfredi)

Working Paper 2_Barbara Casciarri & Stefano Manfredi_A Glossary of the Third Sudanese Revolution_March 2020 Working Paper 2_Barbara Casciarri & Stefano Manfredi_A Glossary of the Third Sudanese Revolution_March 2020

Freedom Peace and Justice. A Glossary of the Third Sudanese Revolution (Barbara Casciarri & Stefano Manfredi).

“The 2018-2019 Sudanese revolution can be analyzed from the perspective of the words people repeated, chanted, shouted, wrote and painted during their persistent, and ultimately successful, struggle for liberation from an oppressive system. Embedding old and new values, and circulating beyond the frontiers of age and gender, and social or regional origins, these words have crafted a common symbolic space within their revolutionary experiences, themselves becoming an actor in the construction of a collective subject and the reshaping of its identity. Based on primary and secondary sources, this glossary provides a sociolinguistic analysis of 46 entries that were chosen due either to their wide-scale occurrence or to their thematic prominence within popular discourse about the revolution, and have been classified into three categories: keywords, slogans and actors”.

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cedejsudan (23 mars 2020). Freedom Peace and Justice. A Glossary of the Third Sudanese Revolution (Barbara Casciarri & Stefano Manfredi). Researching Sudan - A perspective on contemporary Sudans. Consulté le 8 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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