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The CEDEJ Cairo in Khartoum

The Director of the CEDEJ Cairo, M. Bernard Rougier, and M. Roman Stadnicky, researcher at the CEDEJ had visited Khartoum during November in order to meet the Khartoum team. During this work visit they attended a presentation of the team and researchers of the CEDEJ Khartoum, a conference at the University of Khartoum.

At the presentation of the CEDEJ team the participants were : Bernard Rougier (Director of CEDEJ), Alice Franck (Coordinator of CEDEJ Khartoum), Roman Stadnicki (Researcher at CEDEJ Cairo),  Elena Vezzadini (Associate researcher CEDEJ Khartoum, University of Bergen),  Franck Derrien (Associate researcher CEDEJ Khartoum), Guillaume Sauloup (PhD Candidate University Paris 1), Netsereab Andom (PhD Candidate University of Khartoum), Noah Hamza (PhD Candidate University of Khartoum), Azza Musatafa (PhD Candidate University of Khartoum), Nathalie Coste (PhD Candidate Science Po Paris), Laure Crombé (PhD Candidate University Paris X)

Presentation meeting at CEDEJ Khartoum

Presentation meeting at CEDEJ Khartoum

They also participated in different workshops with the coordinator of the Khartoum branch and the Embassy about the future of the CEDEJ Khartoum and to strengthen the relations and partnership between Cairo and Khartoum.

Bernard Rougier, Alice Franck, Khalid El Siddig

Bernard Rougier, Alice Franck, Khalid El Siddig


OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
cedejsudan (10 décembre 2014). The CEDEJ Cairo in Khartoum. Researching Sudan - A perspective on contemporary Sudans. Consulté le 22 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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