CFA Panel ASAA 2022 : “Questioning the Old, Imagining the New: On Being Human in Post-Revolution Sudan”.
Sudan’s revolution, the latest in the global social movement scene in scale and intensity, two years on, continues to raise questions about the limits of established socio-political and economic knowledge and epistemologies that usually accompany these kinds of ruptures, challenging in their wake notions of neoliberal democracy and its policy prescription tools. Between the promise of overcoming Islamic authoritarianism (peacefully and humanly – a universal moment of recognizing the human in Sudan) and the ambiguities of an enduring legacy of kleptocratic rule (external imperialism and internal hegemony) the Sudanese risk being rebranded as unsalvageable and thus inhumane.
Papers in this panel will investigate the dynamics of these struggles and their role in either prolonging/entrenching these (inhumane) ambiguities or else resisting and reforming them (humane). Their domain, contrary to mainstream understanding, not only political settlements and macroeconomics but ideological lines and political agendas within civil society. Class, gender relations and ethnicity play a role in drawing together/apart players, shaping agendas/institutions during post-revolution. How can these differentiations as planted in historical, cultural and political realities produce new fields of knowledge to rehabilitate the Sudanese human/ more humane Sudanese?
With this new epistemology of social justice, the panel invites insights from research and various forms of engagement with the ongoing revolution; with the hope to stimulate conversation about what constitutes a human amidst the ongoing developments, including ethical frameworks, quandaries disrupted and emerging and why it matters. We welcome critical reflections from various fields, e.g. the political economy of identity politics, knowledge production, the role of civil society, social movements, development, environmentalism and gender relations.
Raga Makawi (SOAS – African Arguments, London, United Kingdom)
Dr Salma Abdalla (Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Norway)
Link to the abstract submission page:
Link to the ASAA 2022 panels web page (ours is no. 53):
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aamirbashir (16 août 2021). CFA Panel ASAA 2022 : “Questioning the Old, Imagining the New: On Being Human in Post-Revolution Sudan”. Researching Sudan - A perspective on contemporary Sudans. Consulté le 6 février 2025 à l’adresse