23rd issue of the review EMA: “Memory, Storytelling and Space”
Publication of the 23rd issue of the review Egypte Monde Arabe Memory, Storytelling and Space, edited by Mayada Madbouly and Aya Nassar.
For decades, the twin issues of remembering and memorialising space on one hand, and forgetting and neglecting on the other hand, have been intertwined with attempts at carving spaces for memory. This issue responds to the growing awareness of the fragmented and incomplete nature of storytelling, the lack of access to archives, and the overwhelming dominance of specific memory regimes. The contributors reflect on the fragmentary practices and articulations which oblige various actors, or “agents of memory”, to carry out a work of memory: political, academic, artistic, militant or other.
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cedejsudan (15 décembre 2021). 23rd issue of the review EMA: “Memory, Storytelling and Space” Researching Sudan - A perspective on contemporary Sudans. Consulté le 8 septembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/mhl8