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New publications by Mohamed A. G. Bakhit

Mohamed A. G. Bakhit – assistant professor in the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology at the University of Khartoum – is glad to share with you the publication of his special issue entitled: “Building Political Community beyond the Nation-State: Theory and Practice from the South Sudanese Diaspora” in Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies (Volume 22, Issue 1, March 2022, pp. 1-10).

This text was published with Nicki Kindersley from Cardiff University. 


Like other war-made diasporas, South Sudanese communities are thus at the sharp end of global tensions around the state of the nation-state, the rise of defensively aggressive ethno-nationalisms, and the shaping of new trans-national and trans-local political communities. South Sudanese people are experts on these questions of diaspora organization and societal fragmentation, the exploitation of migrant labor, legal and de facto statelessness, and the utility and morality of manipulating national and international identity paperwork. Drawing together new qualitative research that cuts across these questions, this journal’s edition focuses on the South Sudanese community as a way of bringing these intersecting issues together.

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In addition Mohamed A. G. Bakhit has contributed by an article entitled: “South Sudanese Refugees in Sudan: A Transition toward a Diaspora Community” (UTP, published online: avril 15, 2022).


South Sudanese people shifted from being disadvantaged internally displaced people (IDPs) in Khartoum before the session of South Sudan from Sudan in 2011, toward a semi-refugee status or the ambiguous category of “returnees” after returning back to Khartoum following South Sudan’s civil wars beginning in 2013. This article argues that South Sudanese communities in Khartoum are developing many characteristics of becoming a “diasporic” and “transnationalistic” community, broadly defined. The South Sudanese diasporic community developing in Khartoum is commonly characterized by their strong feelings of anger, sadness, and disappointment over what happened to their long-awaited dreams of an independent South Sudan, and also by a strong feeling of belonging to a distinctive South Sudanese identity in Khartoum, both of which are a continuation of old South Sudanese identities developed in the shantytowns of Khartoum since the 1960s. While transnational relations and networks extend strongly between Khartoum and many different areas in South Sudan, the impact of South Sudan’s post-2011 violence and political negotiations between different warring parties has strong resonance in South Sudan’s communities in Khartoum. Moreover, the experience of being displaced after independence, back to old South Sudanese diasporic homes, has fundamentally shaped a new self-identification as diaspora and a transnational community.

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