Sudanese scholars visit K3 and Malmö University for the final seminar of the RUS project
From 25-26 of August, the final conference of the VR-supported research project “Resilience in Urban Sudan (RUS)” took place in Malmö. Invited distinguished guests from Sudan and France paid a visit to our K3 Department and Malmö University.
The project, which is funded by the Swedish research council, is led by Joshka Wessels with postdoctoral researcher Fanny Christou and senior researcher Vittorio Felci on the research team in Sweden at Malmö University. The conference was opened by Cecilia Christersson, Pro Vice Chancellor of Global Engagement and Challenge Based Learning at MaU, who welcomed all participants to Malmö University.
Joshka & Fanny presented their work in person together with the Sudanese counterparts on climate change & migration and multimodal participatory methods such as GIS storymaps to document climate change impact and resilience, in a full hybrid conference that took place in Stora Storm and the K3 Studio and at the French Centre for Legal and Social Studies (CEDEJ) in Khartoum, on 25th and 26th August.
The Sudanese research team was partially present in Malmö, among others Dr. Sumaya Zakieldeen, lead researcher of the RUS project in Sudan, Assistant Professor at the University of Khartoum’s the Institute of Environmental Studies (IES) and main lead negotiator for the IPCC representing Sudan an COP27 and Dr. Hisham Shazali, the project manager at the IES and research assistant Hisham Bilal, who is from the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at the University of Khartoum.
Keynotes were delivered by Dr. Eiman Abulgasim Seif el Deen, co-founder of the Sudanese Environmentalists Association, and Professor Barbara Casciarri, distinguished professor at the Paris 8 University in France and one of the world’s most recognised anthropologists specialised in Sudan, with over 30 years of experience of rangeland research with nomadic people in Sudan. Dr. Johan Schaar, Senior Research Associate at the Swedish International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), and consultant advisor to the United Nations Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS), gave a keynote on climate change and security in Sudan from an international perspective.
A guest of honour was Emeritus Professor Abulgasim Seifeldeen, who is a well-known Sudanese forester and distinguished leader of the Fur tribe in Darfur, with a deep knowledge and experience of environmental history and climate change in Sudan. Joshka interviewed Professor Seifeldeen back in 2005, for her BBC World Earth Report film ‘Darfur: Earth, Wind and Fire’.
Watch that film here.
Besides these special guests, a range of Sweden-based researchers, MA and PhD students from MaU and Lund University and other organisations participated in the conference. There was also had a good online crowd with presentations live from Khartoum. The first day concluded with the screening of the research film that is made in the framework of the RUS research project and a Virtual Reality installation set up in Storm. The second day was concluded with a good cross faculty discussion on ideas and proposals for future collaboration between Malmö University and Sudan on research, climate change, sustainability and resilience. Ideas to connect to networks such as SASUF and other projects across Malmö university.
All sessions and panels are recorded with permission of the participants and are available on this MaU Playlist here.
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cedejsudan (11 septembre 2022). Sudanese scholars visit K3 and Malmö University for the final seminar of the RUS project. Researching Sudan - A perspective on contemporary Sudans. Consulté le 8 février 2025 à l’adresse