Contributing paper: Women musicians during the 2018 revolution in Sudan
We are happy to announce the publication of a Special Issue in the journal Music and Arts in Action (fully Open Access) titled: ‘Transgressing and Reworking Social Boundaries through Dance and Music’.
The collection is edited by Kasia Grabska (Peace Research Institute, Oslo/CEDEJ, Khartoum) and Roy Huijsmans (Institute of Social Studies, the Hague) and is realized through an ISS Research Incentive Facility grant, the INSPIRE Research Project (PRIO) and CEDEJ Khartoum small grant.
The Special Issue collection focuses on music and dance in and from the Global South in conflict and post-conflict settings. The central analytical theme connecting the contributions is that of boundaries and the role of dance and music in transgressing and reworking sets of boundaries. This refers to the boundaries of methodological conventions, the boundaries that are often drawn between what are deemed private and public spheres, the role of gender in relation to boundaries as well the spatial dimension of transgressing and reworking boundaries – including the emplaced aspects of dance and music.
The contributing papers are about women musicians during the 2018 revolution in Sudan (Kasia Grabska and Azza Ahmed Abdel Aziz, CEDEJ), the ambiguous role of social commentary in Lao contemporary dance, the relevance of hip hop in Myanmar refugee camps in Thailand, the reworking of gender by women hip hop artists in Vietnam and an interview with the artist Prumsodun Ok about labels and social boundaries in relation to Khmer classical dance.
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cedejsudan (9 novembre 2022). Contributing paper: Women musicians during the 2018 revolution in Sudan. Researching Sudan - A perspective on contemporary Sudans. Consulté le 6 février 2025 à l’adresse