Conference in Khartoum – Migration and Exile in the Horn of Africa, State of knowledge and current debates
The conference “Migration and Exile in the Horn of Africa. State of Knowledge and Current Debates” was held on November 17-18th in Khartoum.
During this two-day conference, about forty researchers have presented their empirical approaches on the issue of migration in the Horn of Africa. This event was jointly organized by CEDEJ Khartoum, CFEE Addis Ababa and the University of Khartoum.
The recent period is characterized by increasing internal migrations and by a growing number of displaced persons in the sub-region, especially in Somalia, Ethiopia and Sudan. At the same time, the number of shipwrecks in the Mediterranean Sea involving migrants coming from the Horn of Africa has tragically climbed. The issue of migration, which today largely captures the attention of media and politicians, has been widely studied by African and European researchers specialized on the Horn of Africa.
In addition to providing scientific approaches on the migratory processes, the conference “Migration and Exile in the Horn of Africa” gave us the possibility to shift and re-center the analysis on the Horn of Africa.
Programme – Migration and Exile in the Horn of Africa
David Ambrosetti, Director of CFEE in Addis AbabaPr Ahmed Mohamed Suliman, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Khartoum Dr. Samia Abu Kashawa, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Bruno Aubert, Ambassador of France in Sudan Alice Franck, Coordinator of CEDEJ-KhartoumAhmed M. Gamal Eldin, Associate Professor of Development and Migration in Ahfad University Thomas Osmond, CFEEAli Khosroshahi, UNHCR Catherine Dom, WIDE EthiopiaKatarzyna Grabska, the Graduate Institute in GenevaClara Lecadet, EHESS
Katherine Rehberg, UNHCR Azza Yacoub, SOAS London Mohamed ABDEL SALAM Babiker, University of Khartoum Azza Yacoub and Omar Ismael Mahamoud (CERD Djibouti)Benoit Gaudin, University of Addis Ababa and IRDMaysa Ayoub, AUC
Netsereab ANDOM, University of Khartoum Peter Miller (Paris 8) and Amina Said Chire (University of Djibouti)Marion Guillaume, Samuel HallGriet Steel, Utrecht University (The Netherlands) and Catholic University Leuven (Belgium) Géraldine Pinauldt, CFEE
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cedejsudan (9 novembre 2015). Conference in Khartoum – Migration and Exile in the Horn of Africa, State of knowledge and current debates. Researching Sudan - A perspective on contemporary Sudans. Consulté le 22 janvier 2025 à l’adresse