Screening : Khartoum offside
In the 2019 documentary film Khartoum Offside, directed by Marwa Zein, a young Sudanese girl sits at a table talking about how hard she kicked a ball. “So hard I almost screamed, but I didn’t,” she says. “Because you love football?” someone asks her. “Yes,” she replies. “More than anything.” Zein’s film exposes viewers to the enthusiasm of Sudanese girls and women for football, a sport that has grown significantly for women in the country since the 2000s. It also captures the challenges and political battles women have waged to play football in Sudan. Notably, one of Khartoum’s first women’s football teams, officially established in 2001, is called Al-Tahadi (“the challenge”) (Al Hassan and Sharp, 2022)
The screening will be followed by a discussion led by Deen Sharp (Visiting Fellow at LSE in the department of Geography and Environment) and Mai Azzam (PhD Candidate in Anthropology at BIGSAS.
Deen Sharp co-signed with Sara Al-Hassan the paper “The Challenge in Sudanese Women’s Football” in Middle East Research and Information Project: Critical Coverage of the Middle East Since 1971.
The screening will take place on Tuesday March 7, CEDEJ at 6 pm at the CEDEJ premises and is part of the Women’s week Program in collaboration with the French Institute.
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