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Call for applications for research grants in Islamology Master 2 (3 months)

Call for applications for research grants in Islamology Master 2 (3 months)

Call for applications for research grants in Islamology MASTER 2 (3 months)

MEAE scholarships. CEDEJ Khartoum may be a host organization.

Applications to be sent before September 15, 2024″ / MEAE scholarships. The CEDEJ Khartoum may be a host organization. Application files to be sent before September 15, 2024.

The Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and the UMIFRE network support young research in Islamology by offering field scholarships lasting three months for Master’s students who wish to pursue research in this field. domain. The scholarship holders will be hosted by the member centers of the UMIFRE network and other partner research institutes of the program (see the list of institutes concerned*).

Scholarship description:

The granting of a mobility grant should allow students to carry out research field work in Islamology by being hosted in a UMIFRE (or partner institutes of the program). The discipline “Islamology” is understood in the broad sense and may integrate the following axes (without being limited to it):
– Analysis, sciences and criticism of texts and doctrines
– Historical study of Islam
– Study in social sciences (history, sociology, anthropology, political science, geography, demography) of Muslim groups.
Particular attention will be paid to research projects taking place in the sub-Saharan African region and including methods of collaboration with French research operators present on site (IRD , CIRAD…).


Duration and condition of mobility:

3-month stay
• 1000 euros/month
• The winners will be integrated into the research team of the host UMIFRE and will present the results of their research.
Candidates must meet the following criteria:
• Not have benefited from the MEAE Islamology research grant in 2023-2024
• Have completed their Master 1 and be enrolled in Master 2 in a French university (or co- direction with a teacher from a French university).


Application files:

Application files must be sent before 09/15/24 to and must include the following documents:
– An identity document
– The MASTER information sheet
– A certificate or proof of university registration for the year 2023/24 (the 2024-2025 registration certificate will be sent if the scholarship is obtained).
– A CV (max. 2 pages)
– A research project (max. 15,000 characters, integrating notes, references and bibliography) in which will also be presented the integration project in UMIFRE or the institute of research.
– A letter of invitation from the director of UMIFRE or the host institute.
– A letter of recommendation from the research director or another scientific personality supervising the candidate’s research
– A certificate of affiliation with social security
A selection committee composed of specialists in the field will meet in October.
*List of institutes concerned:
– French Institute of the Middle East (IFPO)
– French Research Center in Jerusalem (CRFJ)
– Contemporary Maghreb Research Institute (IRMC)
– Jacque Berque Center (CJB)
– Human Sciences Center of New Delhi (CSH)
– French Institute of Anatolian Studies (IFEA)
– French Institute for Central Asian Studies (IFEAC)
– Institute for Research on Contemporary Southeast Asia (IASEC)
– Study Center and economic, legal and social documentation (CEDEJ)
– Dominican Institute of Oriental Studies (IDEO)
– Center for Economic, Legal and Social Studies and Documentation – Khartoum (CEDEJ K)
– French Center for Ethiopian Studies (CFEE)
– French Research Center on the Arabian Peninsula (CEFREPA)
– French Institute of South Africa (IFAS)
– French Institute for Research in Africa (IFRA-Ibadan)
– French Institute for Research in Africa (IFRA-Nairobi)

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luisaarango2020 (14 juin 2024). Call for applications for research grants in Islamology Master 2 (3 months). Researching Sudan - A perspective on contemporary Sudans. Consulté le 6 février 2025 à l’adresse

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