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Conference – Several presentations on Sudan in “Writing Women’s Lives Conference” in School of Foreign Service in Qatar (Georgetown University), March 20th-22nd, 2016

Writing Women’s Lives Conference

Day 1 – March 20th, 2016

9:00 AM

9:30 AM
Panel 1: New Paradigms & Approaches

Andrea O’reily, York University, Canada
Aint I a Feminist? Matricentric Feminism, Feminist Mamas and Why Mothers Need a Feminist Movement/Theory of Their Own

Mervat Hatem, Howard University, USA
Contesting Canonical Representations of Women’s Lives: the Case of `A’isha Taymur (1840-1902)

Anne Fernald, Fordham University, USA
Choice and Change: English and American Women Writers 1910-1950

Farzaneh Milani, Raymond J. Nelson Center for Women Studies, USA
The Difficulties of Writing the Biography of Forugh Farrokhzad

11:30 AM
Coffee Break

11:45 AM
Panel 2: Negotiating (il)legality: Law & the State

​Mahmoud Yazbak, University of Haifa, Palestine
Women’s Agency and Shari‘a: Challenging Patriarchy from Within

Ummul Fayiza P.P, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Between State and Community: Locating Women’s Activism to Reform Muslim Personal Law in India

Asma M. Abdel Halim, University of Toledo, USA
A Cultural History of “Laws for Women” in the Sudan

Maimuna Mohamud, Heritage Institute for Policy Studies, Somalia
Contemporary Narratives in Negotiating Islamist(s) Gender Ideologies in the Somali Region

1:30 PM
Lunch Break

2:30 PM
Panel 3: Lives, Livelihoods & Land

Patricia Biermayr-Jenzano, Georgetown University, Washington D.C
Women’s Empowerment and Participation in Agricultural Value Chains: Argan oil in Morocco and Color Cotton in Peru

Therese Harmonie Kobanghe, Physicians for Human Rights Organization
Whose Land is This? A Global Study of the Gendered Impacts of Land Rights on Food Security: Stories from Uttar Pradesh, India

Elaine Louise Colligan, 350 Action Organization, USA
Climate Change and Gender Justice: Stories from Djirnda, Région de Fatick, Sénégal

Eeuphelma Choden Wangchuck, Georgetown University Senior
Land Tenure Systems and Women‘s Empowerment in Bhutan

Lipika Kamra, Oxford University, UK
Women, Counterinsurgency,and Development in Rural West Bengal

4:30 PM
Coffee Break

4:45 PM
Panel 4: Gendered Violence, Citizenship and the State – SFS-Q Students’ Panel

Nadia Al-Khater
Codification of Kinship Customs: Gendered Citizenship Laws in Qatar

Nada Abdelhay
Female Circumcision in Egypt: A Theory of Origins and Persistence

Nadeen El-Ashmawy
Sexual Harassment in Egypt: A Weaponized Instrument of Power

Deena Nawaz
Voicing the Voiceless: Politics of Representations of Birangona in Bangladesh

6:00 PM

Day 2 – March 21st, 2016

9:00 AM
Panel 5: Lives of Contestation

Siham Riyale, SOAS University of London – UK
Narrating Peace and Security: Somaliland Women’s lived Realities as Sites of Contestation

Amira El-Zein, Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Qatar
Transgender and Social Class in Early Twentieth Century’s Mecca: Raja Alem’s Khatam

Arjun Bedi, International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) of Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Are Women Really Better Police Officers? Evidence from Survey Experiments in Uganda

Yasmine Mandour, Ikhtyar ‘Choice’ for Gender Studies and Research, Egypt
Kurdish Female Fighters: A Change in Gender Roles in the Middle East?

11:00 AM
Coffee Break

11:15 AM
Panel 6: Politics of the Body

Ayman Shabana, School of Foreign Service in Qatar
Between Law and Science: Role of Biomedical Technology in Enhancing Equitable Gender Relations in the Muslim World

Azza Ahmed Abdel Aziz, Independant Researcher, Ph.D from SOAS, the UK
The Free Flow of Displaced Women’s Narratives and the Itineraries of Health Seeking: Perspectives on Disease and Pathology

Veronica Buffon, Exeter University, the UK
A Gender Perspective on ‘Traditional Healing’ and Biomedicine: Women’s Lives in Diyarbakır Province

Djemma bint Zeroual ben Belkacem, Hadj Lakhdar University, Algeria
Oral History and Female Imprisonment in Algeria – Tefelfal Prison Testimonies during the Algerian Revolution 1955-1962

1:00 PM

2:00 PM
Panel 7: (In)visible Women

Sophie Richter Devroe, Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, Qatar
Writing Naqab Bedouin Women’s Lives: Potentials, Pitfalls and Perils of Oral History

Tayyaba Syed, Independant Researcher
The Autobiography of a Trailblazer – Fatima and the University of al-Qarawiyyin

Ahmed Sa’idi, Mawlai Ismail University, Morocco
A Thousand and One Nights – The Untold Story of Tawadod

Fatema Al-Malki, Qatar National Research Fund
Unveiling the Arab Woman: How Women Cultural Entrepreneurs use Social Media in the Gulf States

3:45 PM
Coffee Break

4:00 PM
Panel 8: The Aesthetics of (Re)presenting Women

Deepra Dandekar, Heidelberg University, Germany
Gender and Women in Popular Islamic Literature from India

Dana Olwan, Syracuse University, The United States & Doha Institute for Graduate Studies
Contesting the Honor Crime: Sexual Violence, Transnational Feminist Struggles, and Palestinian Hiphop

Hanene Baroumi, Ph.D Cadidate, Manouba Univeristy, Tunisia
Listening to Her Story of Revolt: The “Future Memory” of Arab Women’s Resistance

Habib Bouherour, Qatar University, Qatar
Gender Representation in Modern Gulf Poetry

Mawahib Ahmed, Research Center for Islamic Legislation & Ethics – Qatar
A Story from Sudan: A Local/Transnational Struggle for Women’s Employment Rights

6:00 PM
Hakawi “Sharing Experiences in Storytelling

Day 3 – March 22nd, 2016: Archival Workshop

9:00 AM
Writing Women’s Lives in Historical Perspective

Dr. Cristina de la Puente Gonzalez, High Council for Scientific Research, Madrid -Spain
Rituals, Hygiene, Piety and Honor: Women’s Life at Home Through Juridical Mâlikî Sources

Dr. Roser Salicru-Lluc, High Council for Scientific Research, Barcelona – Spain
Between Rejection and Integration: On Muslim Women Enslaved in Medieval Mediterranean Europe Different Profiles

Dr. Delfina Serrano Ruano: High Council for Scientific Research, Madrid – Spain
Retrieving Feminine Voices from Legal Documentary Practice: Denial of Paternity in Andalusi Model shurut Works

Dr. Isabel Toral-Niehoff, University of Göttingen – Germany
The Book of the Second Coral on Women and Their Attributes by Ibn Abd Rabbih

Dr. Monika Winet, University of Göttingen – Germany
Female Presence in Ibn ʿAsākir’s Taʿrīḫ Madīnat Dimašq

11:00 AM
Coffee Break

11:15 AM
Rupture and Continuum in Arab Women’s Lives (Qatar University Panel)

Hatoon Al Fassi
Babatha’s archives: A Narrative of a Woman’s Life in the 2nd century CE Arabia

Islah Jad (Hossneya Jad)
‘Modernizing’ the ‘traditional;’ Palestinian Women and 20th Century Approaches to Emanicipation

Reem Meshal
The Forgotten Reformation: The Sexual Economy of Early Modern Ottoman Cairo

Nora Barakat
Pushing the Limits of Legal Institutions: Women and Credit in Late Ottoman Syria

Mariam al-Mulla
Qatari Women; Between Private Histories and Public Domains

2:00 PM



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cedejsudan (15 mars 2016). Conference – Several presentations on Sudan in “Writing Women’s Lives Conference” in School of Foreign Service in Qatar (Georgetown University), March 20th-22nd, 2016. Researching Sudan - A perspective on contemporary Sudans. Consulté le 6 février 2025 à l’adresse

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