Final seminar of the RUS project – Resilience in Urban Sudan
The final seminar of the RUS – Resilience in Urban Sudan – project will take place in Malmö, Sweden, on...
The final seminar of the RUS – Resilience in Urban Sudan – project will take place in Malmö, Sweden, on...
Le CERMOM propose, en partenariat avec l’Institut d’étude de l’Islam et des sociétés du monde musulman (IISMM), une journée d’études : “Arabités/africanités...
Le colloque international « Villes en transition face au changement climatique » aura lieu les 26 et 27 Mars 2022 à l’Institut français d’Égypte au Caire.
The eighth session of the Environment and Social Policies seminar entitled: “Socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on migrants in the Middle...
Join us for an evening of film and discussion with Dr Valerie Hänsch, anthropologist and director of the highly acclaimed...
This conference will take place on Saturday 12 of August at 11:00 at the Huria room at the University of...
Launch of research project website Time: Thursday, 03 June 2021 13:00-14:00 Place: Online event Welcome to the launch of the...
15 JUNE 2021 15H00 – 17H00 An International webinar organised by Institut du genre, CEFRES and CEMCA (French Center...