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Egypte/Monde arabe is CEDEJ’s social science journal since 1990.
It is addressed to students and researchers as well as to the general public who want to understand the tensions and mutations that animate the contemporary Middle East and Egypt. It is published by CEDEJ three times a year, and is printed by IFAO Press. Published issues are available in hard copy at CEDEJ. Since 2017, the latest issues are online on Cairn while the rest are available on

Egypt Soudan mondes arabes (ESMA)
Published by the Center for Economic, Legal and Social Studies and Documentation (CEDEJ) established in 1968 in Cairo, Egypt Sudan Arab worlds wants to highlight the plurality and heterogeneity of the social worlds of the MENA region, which encompass many people and non-Arab characteristics. With the objective of improving the production of knowledge about these societies, by supporting field research in sociology, anthropology, political science, geography, urban studies, history, political economy, legal studies, development studies and others, Egypt Soudan mondes arabes is published in French, English and Arabic, at the rate of two issues per year.

The latest issues are available here.

Sources grew out of the observation that academic journals tend to encourage theoretical and epistemological advances at the expense of the field materials under analysis. This journal’s mission is twofold: first, to resituate at the core of the articles the materials upon which researchers produce their reflections, while providing direct access to these materials; and second, to present analyses focusing on the contexts surrounding the production of these materials and their uses. This return to sources deriving from field work will take place in conjunction with topical thematics in African and Africana studies in the social sciences and humanities and will promote interdisciplinary dialogue. Sources thus aspires to restore full visibility to iteration for producing theoretical insights, that is, the movement back and forth between a research problem and the field, between interpretation and data.
More information on this journal here.